The following individuals and/or groups assisted in the creation of this document by providing strategic guidance, contributing to the literature review process, offering insight on stakeholder needs, or helping out administratively. Many of these people were a part of the writing teams’ listening sessions that occurred early in the process—a focused effort to get out into the state and ask Montanans, “What do you know about climate change in the state, what do you need that you don’t already have, and how would you like information delivered?”
This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Cooperative Agreement #EPS-1101342. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
External Scientific Review Team
Thomas Karl, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, retired (Review Editor)
Dennis Ojima, North-Central Climate Science Center (Review Coordinator)
Thomas Brown, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station (Water Chapter)
Steven Daley-Larsen, University of Idaho (Full Report)
Justin Derner, USFS Agricultural Research Service (Agriculture Chapter)
Nolan Doesken, Colorado State University (Climate Chapter)
Bruce Hanberry, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station (Forest Chapter)
Jeffrey Hicke, University of Idaho (Forest Chapter)
Linda Joyce, USDA Forest Service (Full Report)
Jamie McEvoy, Montana State University (Water Chapter)
Nanette Nelson, University of Wyoming (Agriculture Chapter)
Dennis Todey, USDA Agricultural Research Service (Climate Chapter)
Full Assessment
H. Maurice Valett, co-Director of the Montana Institute on Ecosystems, University of Montana
Ray Callaway, Montana National Science Foundation (NSF) Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), University of Montana
Julia Haggerty, Montana Institute on Ecosystems, Montana State University
Sarah Hendrikx, Extended University, Montana State University
Todd Kipfer, Montana NSF EPSCoR, Montana State University
Joan Macdonald, Montana Institute on Ecosystems, Montana State University
Jayne Morrow, National Institute for Standards and Technology
Richard Ready, Montana Institute on Ecosystems, Montana State University
Renee Reijo Pera, Vice President of Research and Economic Development, Montana State University
Suzi Taylor, Extended University, Montana State University
Scott Whittenburg, Vice President for Research and Creative Scholarship, University of Montana
Montana NSF EPSCoR Program
Montana State University Extension Climate Science Team
One Montana
Joe Casola, Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington
C. Corby Dickerson IV, National Weather Service
Nolan Doesken, Colorado State Climatologist
John Doyle, Little Big Horn College
Margaret Eggers, Montana State University
Se-Yun Lee, Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington
Fred Lipschultz, United States Global Change Research Program
Guillame Mauger, Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington
Greg Pederson, USGS Northern Rockies Science Center
David Reidmiller, Director, National Climate Assessment, US Global Change Research Program Water
Paul Azevedo, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Jerry Benock, Bureau of Reclamation
Madison Boone, One Montana/Montana State University Extension
Christine Brick, Clark Fork Coalition
Cathy Chase, USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
Colleen Coyle, Ponderosa Advisors (formerly Montana Water Court)
Molly Cross, Wildlife Conservation Society
John Crowley, Bitterroot Irrigation District
Jeremy Crowley, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Willis Curdy, State Representative
Larry Dolan, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Michael Downey, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Erin Farris-Olsen, Montana Watershed Coordination Council
Laura Farris, Environmental Protection Agency Region 8
Tim Felchle, United States Bureau of Reclamation
Sierra Harris, The Nature Conservancy
Sue Higgins, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Travis Horton, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
J.R. Iman, Ravalli County Commissioner
Daniel Isaak, United States Forest Service
Clayton Jordon, Bureau of Reclamation
Nathan Korb, The Nature Conservancy
Tina Laidlaw, Environmental Protection Agency Region 8
Marco Maneta, University of Montana
Guillaume Mauger, Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington
Jamie McEvoy, Montana State University
Marketa McGuire, United States Bureau of Reclamation
Stephanie Micek, United States Bureau of Reclamation
Greg Pederson, United States Geologic Survey, Northern Rockies Science Center
Al Pernichele, Bitterroot Water Commissioner
Lynda Saul, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Anne Schwend, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Adam Sigler, Montana Water Quality Extension
Tracy Stone-Manning, Chief of Staff, Governor’s Office
Jeff Tieberi, Montana Association of Conservation Districts
Connie Woodhouse, University of Arizona
Hong Yi-Li, Montana State University
Paul Azevedo, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Jerry Benock, Bureau of Reclamation
Madison Boone, One Montana/Montana State University Extension
Christine Brick, Clark Fork Coalition
Cathy Chase, USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
Colleen Coyle, Ponderosa Advisors (formerly Montana Water Court)
Molly Cross, Wildlife Conservation Society
John Crowley, Bitterroot Irrigation District
Jeremy Crowley, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Willis Curdy, State Representative
Larry Dolan, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Michael Downey, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Erin Farris-Olsen, Montana Watershed Coordination Council
Laura Farris, Environmental Protection Agency Region 8
Tim Felchle, United States Bureau of Reclamation
Sierra Harris, The Nature Conservancy
Sue Higgins, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Travis Horton, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
J.R. Iman, Ravalli County Commissioner
Daniel Isaak, United States Forest Service
Clayton Jordon, Bureau of Reclamation
Nathan Korb, The Nature Conservancy
Tina Laidlaw, Environmental Protection Agency Region 8
Marco Maneta, University of Montana
Guillaume Mauger, Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington
Jamie McEvoy, Montana State University
Marketa McGuire, United States Bureau of Reclamation
Stephanie Micek, United States Bureau of Reclamation
Greg Pederson, United States Geologic Survey, Northern Rockies Science Center
Al Pernichele, Bitterroot Water Commissioner
Lynda Saul, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Anne Schwend, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Adam Sigler, Montana Water Quality Extension
Tracy Stone-Manning, Chief of Staff, Governor’s Office
Jeff Tieberi, Montana Association of Conservation Districts
Connie Woodhouse, University of Arizona
Hong Yi-Li, Montana State University
Julia Altemus, Montana Wood Products Association
Travis Belote, The Wilderness Society
Logan Berner, Oregon State University
Maureen Bookwalter, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Anne Carlson, The Wilderness Society
Gregg Denitto, United State Forest Service
Jim Durglo, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
Joel Egan, United State Forest Service
Anne Evans, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Amy Groen, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Tony Harwood, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
Linh Hoang, United State Forest Service
Valentijn Hoff, University of Montana
Bob Keane, United State Forest Service
Julie Kies, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Jamie Kirby, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Peter Kolb, Montana State University Extension
Angela Mallon, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Roian Matt, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
Steve McDonald, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
Jason Parke, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Dan Rogers, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Gordy Sanders, Pyramid Lumber
Karen Shelly, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Scott Sontag, United State Forest Service
Michael Sweet, University of Montana
Erik Warrington, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Cobey Williamson, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Jess Aber, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Water Resources Division
AERO Agriculture Task Force
Anna and Doug Crabtree, Vilicus Farms and Montana Organic Association
Jim Barngrover, Timeless Seed
Brad Bauer, Montana State University Extension
Jay Bodner, Montana Stockgrowers Association
Zach Brown, One Montana
Bill Bryan, One Montana
Chris Christiansen, Montana Farmer’s Union
Ron de Young, Montana Department of Agriculture
Jennifer Hill-Hart, Alternative Energy Resources Organization
Christian MacKay, Montana Department of Livestock
Jane Mangold, Montana State University Extension
Jayson O’Neill, Montana Department of Agriculture
David Oien, Timeless Seed
Adam Pimley, Sage Creek Solutions
Lola Raska and the Board of Directors, Montana Grain Growers Association
Errol Rice, Montana Stockgrowers Association
Tracy Stone-Manning, Chief of Staff, Governor’s Office
John Youngberg, Montana Farm Bureau
Joe Zimbric, One Montana